“Christ’s Caring Intensified in Congregations” or CCIC is a simple concept that has great power….God’s Power!
CCIC is all and only about prayer and faith to believe prayer works!
CCIC is foundational and available to congregations
who have been participating in
the UIM Six Year Church Growth for two years or more.
TO LEARN MORE ABOUT UIM Six Year Church Growth:
Click on: “Free Resources”
Open: “Six Year Church Growth Program Brochure.”
Study, Print and Share Brochure with your congregation
- CCIC began from a desire of members to care for less active members and also potential members in ways that would bring them to the house of the Lord.
- However, it has become an avenue for everything from the practical updating of church records and reaching out to every member through prayer and care, to being a powerful church growth program.
- Through God’s power and grace, members are strengthened in faith, sometimes without their knowing it, to draw members and non members alike to God’s Church by doing as Jesus says in Matthew 5:16: “…let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”
TO PREPARE FOR CHURCH GROWTH TODAY: Close your eyes and in your mind picture where the large congregations in your area with 1,000 members or more are located. See them dotting the area where you live. Then, add congregations with 1,000 to 200 members and watch more dots filling this area appear in your mind’s eye. Finally, add all of the congregations with 200 members or less into your picture to perceive how God has strategically placed every congregation large and small into every corner where you live. Together, these congregations become one body in Christ (Romans 12:5); each has a specific purpose, and is needed by God to grow His Church. This is where “Christ’s Caring Intensified in Congregations” or CCIC, a three-phase program that focuses on care through prayer falls into the picture and begins to grow congregations in faith and ministry.
CCIC is a spiritual journey,
and there are no limits to what God’s Spirit can do when God’s people pray,
as those who become involved in CCIC will see.
The mission of United Intergenerational Ministry or UIM is to reunite and strengthen generations in saving faith through the wisdom and power of God’s Word to handle, prevent, and heal the problems and tragedies sweeping our land. This mission is carried out throughout CCIC, as members care for one another through prayer during the three phases of CCIC described below:
+ requires a lay leadership team to meet together to pray and give each member of their congregation one member to pray for until all members are being cared for through prayer.
+ Letters for each step are reproduced and distributed to implement Phase 1. Every member can participate at any time and in any place simply by praying.
+ Each month, a Scripture Prayer Calendar leads members in daily prayer for the member(s) they are given. This Calendar progresses into prayers to strengthen congregations in faith during Phase 2 and into outreach action in Phase 3.
+ One of twelve CCIC bulletin announcements is published every week for one month to encourage continued prayer, and once a month CCIC lay team leaders give verbal encouragement for prayer using their own words or the suggestions given in their Training Manual, which also helps them to talk about CCIC at church meetings and activities.
+ Six years of UIM (Worship, Sunday School and Adult Bible Class) reinforce and support CCIC during each phase and also after CCIC is completed.
+ CCIC lay leaders mail materials not picked up at church to show Christian care coming from their congregation for these members.
+ Every member may not pray, but experience with CCIC has proven that God works anyway, and that the power of prayer increases with each prayer and member who prays.
+ On a practical ministry level, Phase 1 brings church records up to date and helps congregations show care by praying for member’s birthdays, anniversaries, healing, grieving, and other special needs.
+ It can also begin e-mail ministry.
As members pray, congregations become the house of prayer our Lord declares His House should be in Isaiah 56:7 and Matthew 21:13, the Scripture on which Phase 1 is based. When a foundation of prayer has been laid, congregations are ready to move on to Phase 2.
CCIC Phase 2 – “EQUIP” is based on 2 Timothy 3:17: That the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work AND Jesus said, “Follow Me” in passages like Matthew 4:19; Luke 9:23; John 8:12; and John 10:27. It continues to offer Scripture Prayer Calendars, suggestions for the CCIC lay team members to share, and UIM Resources that together all help to intensify Christ’s caring in congregations. It adds CCIC Church Growth Handouts 1-4 that paint a very different picture of what church growth needs to be today to help grow God’s Church. Members can be invited to mail out or deliver calendars and handouts that are not picked up by less active members to care for them during Phase 2 and Phase 3. Attendance of Worship, Sunday School, and Adult Bible Class along with personal and family devotions and daily Bible reading are highlighted because these actually grow members in faith that reaches out in care to meet the needs of others. Church growth experts report people are drawn to congregations who meet their needs. At the end of this phase, members are asked to share what they like about their congregation so that what they share can be used to tell others about their congregation. The lay team keeps a list of and shares answers to prayer or how prayer has helped their members and church, specifically to help members recognize and share with people around them the wonderful things God is doing through prayer in their congregation to help draw people to God and to His Church.
CCIC Phase 3 – “ACT” is based on Galatians 6:10: So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith AND Colossians 3:17:And whatever you do, in word or deed, do eveything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. Members, having been strengthened through prayer in Phase 1 and equipped by God for every good work in Phase 2 are helped to ACT in ways that draw their own members and potential members to the Lord and to His Church during Phase 3 and beyond. Members are challenged to attend worship, study God’s Word, and pray more than they are already praying to gain strength to care, invite others to church, do acts of Christian kindness, etc. If members are feeling themselves not acting, they are challenged to partake of God’s Word and Sacraments and pray more to receive strength to act. CCIC Handouts 5-7 give more understanding of outreach today and practical ways to act that draw people to God and His Church. Phase 3 also includes a vision and purpose planning program to keep the good work of faith God has begun (Philippians 1:6) growing stronger in congregations for generations.
By God’s grace and through the wisdom and power of His Word,
UIM Resources supported and reinforced by CCIC,
can and are already helping to grow God’s Church!
Click on “Programs” and “Free Resources” to review
and even use UIM Resources.
To request more information or to receive a FREE introduction to CCIC you can share with your congregation, email: